Intensive English Course Syllabus


Learning AreaLearning Outcomes
SpeakingCommunicate in simple and routine tasks on familiar topics and activities.
Simply describe
⬦ Family and other people
⬦ Living conditions
⬦ Educational background
⬦ Present job
ListeningUnderstand phrases and common vocabulary on common areas
⬦ Very basic personal and family information
⬦ Shopping
⬦ The local area, and employment

Understand the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements
ReadingRead very short, simple texts.
Find specific, predictable information in
⬦ Advertisements
⬦ Prospectuses
⬦ Menus and timetables

Understand short simple personal letters
WritingWrite short, simple notes and messages
⬦ write a simple personal letter
⬦ write thank you notes
GrammarDemonstrate elementary comprehension and use of
⬦ Present Simple for habits
⬦ Articles
⬦ Pronouns
⬦ Countable / uncountable nouns
⬦ Adverbs of frequency and manner
⬦ Can / could for requests
⬦ Adjectives and modifiers
⬦ Past Simple for simple recounts
⬦ Present Continuous for things happening now
⬦ Comparative and superlative
⬦ Present Perfect for life events
⬦ Imperatives for instructions
⬦ Should for advice
⬦ Have to / need to for obligation
⬦ Be like for descriptions
⬦ Present Simple for future facts
⬦ Future Simple for future facts
VocabularyDemonstrate elementary comprehension and use of vocabulary to describe:
⬦ Families
⬦ Food and meals
⬦ Clothing and shopping
⬦ Prices
⬦ Daily routines
⬦ Personality, appearance, abilities
⬦ Work and jobs
⬦ Transport and travel
⬦ Machines and inventions
⬦ Festivals and celebrations
⬦ Weather and climate
FunctionUse elementary constructions to
⬦ Give opinions
⬦ Talk about routines and habits
⬦ Talk about intentions
⬦ Describe experiences
⬦ Talk about feelings
⬦ Make comparisons
⬦ Invite
⬦ Make decisions
⬦ Buy things
⬦ Talk about possibility and hopes
⬦ Talk about rules and obligations
⬦ Give instructions
⬦ Make offers
⬦ Give advice and suggestions
⬦ Apologise



Learning AreaLearning Outcomes
SpeakingDemonstrate pre-intermediate spoken comprehension.
Deal with most situations when travelling in an area where people speak English
⬦ Talk about family, hobbies, work, travel and current levels
⬦ Talk about experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions
⬦ Give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans
⬦ Tell the story of a book or film and describe your reactions
ListeningDemonstrate pre-intermediate listening comprehension
⬦ Understand the main points of clear speech on work, school and leisure
⬦ Understand the main point on many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or familiar topics, when the speaker speaks slowly and clearly
ReadingDemonstrate pre-intermediate reading comprehension
⬦ Understand common, basic or job-related language
⬦ Understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters
WritingWrite at a pre-intermediate level
⬦ Write simply about familiar topics
⬦ Write personal letters describing experiences and impressions
GrammarDemonstrate pre-intermediate comprehension and use of:
⬦ Present Simple
⬦ Present Continuous
⬦ Comparative and Superlative
⬦ Past Continuous
⬦ Present Perfect
⬦ Going to and will for predictions and future events and spontaneous decisions
⬦ Adverbs of frequency and manner
⬦ Reflexive pronouns
⬦ So / Such
⬦ Have to / need to for obligation
⬦ Present Simple Passive
⬦ When / while/ as soon as
⬦ Must / might for deductions
⬦ Be able to / good at
⬦ Although / however
⬦ First Conditional
⬦ Used to + verb
⬦ Relative clauses
VocabularyDemonstrate pre-intermediate comprehension and use of vocabulary to describe:
⬦ Families
⬦ Restaurant and leisure venues
⬦ Personality and biographical information
⬦ Buildings and monuments
⬦ Weather Clothes and Accessories
⬦ Large numbers
⬦ Travel and tourism
⬦ Work and careers
⬦ Hobbies, sports and interests
⬦ Education
⬦ Life changes and events
⬦ Political systems and change
⬦ Animals
⬦ Descriptions of people, health, fitness and illnesses
⬦ Types of music and concerts
⬦ Household equipment
FunctionUse familiar English functions at a pre-intermediate level
⬦ Ask personal questions
⬦ Talk about personal experiences
⬦ Ask directions
⬦ Describe personality
⬦ Make travel arrangements
⬦ Order in a restaurant
⬦ Talk about preferences
⬦ Express preferences
⬦ Make deductions
⬦ Make predictions
⬦ Offer and suggesting
⬦ Talk about obligation
⬦ Request



Learning AreaLearning Outcomes
SpeakingDemonstrate intermediate speaking proficiency
⬦ Speak regularly with native speakers
⬦ Discuss familiar topics in details
⬦ Give opinions and explain advantages and disadvantages
ListeningDemonstrate intermediate listening proficiency
⬦ Understand long speech and lectures and follow complex arguments if the topic is reasonably familiar
⬦ Understand most TV news and current affairs programmes
ReadingRead at an intermediate level
⬦ Read articles and reports about common topics
⬦ Understand modern novels
WritingDemonstrate intermediate writing skills
⬦ Write clearly and in detail about a wide range of subjects
⬦ Write an essay or report
⬦ Write letters about events and personal experiences
GrammarDemonstrate intermediate comprehension and use of:
⬦ Used to + infinitive
⬦ Past Simple and Present Perfect
⬦ Neither / so do I
⬦ Modal verbs
⬦ Reported Speech
⬦ First, second conditional
⬦ Adverbs of manner and modifiers
⬦ Relative clauses
⬦ Adjectives and their connotations
⬦ Present Perfect Continuous
⬦ Look + adjective, look like + noun
⬦ Be able to / can / manage to
⬦ Passive Past Perfect
⬦ Simple Have and Have Got
⬦ Be allowed to and be supposed to
⬦ A / few and a / little
⬦ Although / in spite of / despite
⬦ Questions tags
VocabularyDemonstrate intermediate comprehension and use of vocabulary to describe:
⬦ Education
⬦ Appearances
⬦ Clothes
⬦ Character
⬦ Housework
⬦ Holidays and travel brochures
⬦ Illness
⬦ Cooking
⬦ Weather
⬦ Furniture and appliances
⬦ Types of books, films, and TV programmes
⬦ Crime and punishment
⬦ Political systems
⬦ Family relationships
⬦ Pets and animals
⬦ Consumer services
⬦ Hotel facilities
FunctionUse intermediate English in common and important functional ways
⬦ Describe location, people and things
⬦ State preferences and opinions
⬦ Talk about obligations
⬦ Report requests and orders
⬦ Give advice
⬦ Make deductions
⬦ Guess
⬦ Talk about possibility / probability and certainty
⬦ Refuse
⬦ Describe faulty goods



Learning AreaLearning Outcomes
SpeakingDemonstrate advance levels of spoken English
⬦ Speak fluently without searching for language
⬦ Communicate effectively in social and professional situations
⬦ Give ideas and opinions and relate ideas to those of other speakers
⬦ Talk about of complex subjects and develop arguments
ListeningDemonstrate advanced comprehension of English listening skills
⬦ Understand long complex speech
⬦ Understand most TV news and current affairs programmes
⬦ Understand most televisions programmes and films
ReadingDemonstrate advanced English reading skills
⬦ Understand long and complex factual and literary texts, with different styles
⬦ Understand specialised articles and long technical instructions
WritingWrite using advanced English skills
⬦ Write long, clear, well-structured text to express your points of view
⬦ Write about complex subjects in a letter, an essay or a report
⬦ Write in an appropriate style
GrammarDemonstrate upper-intermediate comprehension and use of:
⬦ Habit in the Present and the Past
⬦ Present Perfect
⬦ Simple and Present Perfect
⬦ Continuous Past Simple and Past Continuous and Past Perfect
⬦ Question tags
⬦ Will, going to, Present Simple, Present Continuous for the future
⬦ Future Perfect
⬦ Phrasal verbs Zero, first, second and third conditionals
⬦ Wish and if only
⬦ Passive Compounds of some, any, no, every
⬦ Reported speech
⬦ Relative clauses
⬦ Conjunctions: although, despite, in spite of, otherwise, unless
⬦ Modals: present and perfect
⬦ Always for frequency / + present continuous
VocabularyDemonstrate upper-intermediate comprehension and use of vocabulary to describe:
⬦ Collocations
⬦ Work, working conditions
⬦ Approximations with -ish
⬦ Transport and exploration
⬦ Phrasal verbs
⬦ Crime and punishment
⬦ Relationships
⬦ Festivals and celebrations
⬦ Connotation
⬦ Homonyms
⬦ Idiomatic expressions
⬦ Sport and leisure
⬦ Euphemisms
⬦ Adverbs of manner and modifiers
⬦ Geography and climate
⬦ Participle adjectives
⬦ Banks / money
⬦ Colloquial expressions and slang
FunctionDemonstrate familiarity with advanced and specialised English functions
⬦ Give opinions
⬦ Summarise
⬦ Express regret
⬦ Draw conclusions
⬦ Make offers
⬦ Describe cause and effect
⬦ State purpose
⬦ Emphasise
⬦ State contrast
⬦ Add information
⬦ Congratulate
⬦ Commiserate
⬦ Clarify
⬦ Guess
⬦ Order arguments
⬦ Give examples

The Syllabus

The Intensive English Course Syllabus is a well-structured roadmap designed to immerse students in a comprehensive learning experience.  Covering essential language skills such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  The syllabus is thoughtfully organised to accelerate language proficiency.  It extends beyond basic grammar rules by integrating real-world applications and cultural insights, providing students with a well-rounded grasp of the English language.  Emphasizing interactive activities, stimulating discussions, and hands-on exercises, the syllabus is geared towards establishing a vibrant learning atmosphere.  Its objective is not only to facilitate linguistic development but also to instill the confidence required to navigate diverse English-speaking scenarios.  This educational journey extends beyond traditional classrooms, empowering students with the necessary skills for effective communication and success in English-speaking environments.


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